Student Feedback, Input, & Requests
Dear Students, This form is made exclusively for GIBS students. It allows you to either send us your input confidentially or with your e-mail address and class, which would allow us to get in contact with you. You can share your requests, proposals, concerns, ideas, and any questions concerning our work openly. We, the GIBS Student Representative Team, will get back to you the latest one week later and will take your feedback/input into account as soon as possible. If you have any requests or feedback for teachers in general or regarding specific lessons or schoolwork, we ask that you please contact them directly. Your School Rep Team Link: online form
GIBS Climate Action - Waste
Student News - Instagram
Kid - Reprise
Cover by Emma Eger & Valerie Senger (original by Barbara Pravi)
Student Representatives
Stefan Irimia (6i)
Student Representative

Nina Kainz-Kaufmann (7b)
1. Vice Student Representative

Ella Dickson (7a)
2. Vice Student Representative

Felix Kanzler (2c)
Lower School Representative

Mateus Weiss (4a)
Lower School Representative

© gmr-foto
The Women Rock-IT program provides informative, educational programming throughout the year so that women can connect, thrive, and reach their potential.
Stay tuned for more events in the coming year so that you too can be a part of the future of IT.
Link: Women Rock-IT – Cisco
Classes 2024/2025
© Foto Sulzer
Student Newspaper
Click on a picture to open the respective edition of the student newspaper.
Studying Abroad
Information for Students Spending a Year Abroad
If a student attends school for at least five months, the student has legally passed the year. If the stay is shorter than five months the student has to take make up exams in every subject. The student has to bring a confirmation of school attendance, and school report card in order to ensure the acknowledgement of all courses.
- Application for leave (principal) by the parents.
- Inform KV and (upper school students) tutors of the course system.
- The students have to make any effort possible to finish their courses at GIBS before they leave, so they can get the credits for them.
- In January the students have to register via email (on the Gibs homepage/ coursebook) for the courses, which will take place in the following year.
- The students should keep in touch with their colleagues at GIBS, so they can catch up on the subjects they will need for their “MATURA” in year 8.
- When the students return, they have to contact the course system tutor in order to get credits for their work abroad.
- It might also be a good idea to think of doing research abroad for the paper (Vorwissenschaftliche Arbeit/Extendes Essay[IBDP]) all students have to do for their Matura/IBDP.
- GIBS strongly supports students who want to go abroad as this means a great chance to improve language and personal skills.

Class Representatives 2024/25
Class | Class Representative | Class Rep. 2 |
1A | Mila Eger | Amrithasiri Nyshadham |
1B | Jana Mang | Frederika Kresch |
1C | Leni Yoshida | Marta Strabac |
2A | Aurora Liepold Abreu | Tarik Selman |
2B | Johann Kammerlander | Elisa Nairz |
2C | Olivia Platzgummer | Felix Kanzler |
3A | Olivia Bills-Unitt | Rares Nicu |
3B | Ferdinand Fingerlos | Moana Kret |
3C | Ella Tauschmann | Elija Zwettler |
4A | Mateus Weiss | Mona Mittendorfer |
4B | Fenia Tscherner | Anja Forstner |
4C | Nora Bärnthaler | Felix Lohberger |
5A | Zoe Robertson | Paul Samec |
5B | Duy Minh Pham | Alexandra Knauer |
5C | Freya Aska | Michael Lietz |
6A | Miriam Pöllinger | Mak Saric |
6B | Jakob Moser | Armin Osmanovic |
6I | Stefan Irimia | Elis Bonilla-Claudio |
7A | Ella Dickson | Jakob Jesenik |
7B | Nina Kainz-Kaufmann | Anna Demus |
7I | Sauerwald Julia | Anna Steinberger |
8A | Sahan Loibnegger | Miriam Sommer |
8B | Amelie Lerch | Hansung Cho |
8I | Valentina Stock | Hanna Reiter |