Laufcup der Grazer Schulen 2019

Have a look at the fantastic results:


Philomena Piffl-Percevic 1A, Nathaniel Pichamuthu 1A, Gabriel Schaffer 1A; Ludo Howlett, 1B, Caroline Rieser 1B,

Antoine Juric, 2C; Kaspar Benedikt, 3C; Elena Schaffer 4B, Deniz Topcu 4B;

Maximilian Görög, 5A, Patrizia Pizzinato 7i, Sarah Bauer, 7i,


Brigitte Greimel- Wasner

13. Caroline Rieser 1B
21. Philomena Piffl-Percevic 1A
15. Nathaniel Pichamuthu 1A
26. Ludo Howlett 1B
2. Antoine Juric 2C
2. Kaspar Benedikt 3C
2. Deniz Topcu 4B
4. Maximilian Görög 5A
1. Sarah Bauer 7i
3. Partizia Pizzinato 7i

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