Climate Crisis – Let´s Act Now

The nine Styrian universities are addressing the greatest challenge of our time with the exhibition project “Climate crisis – Let’s act now!”. The University of Graz, Graz University of Technology, FH Joanneum, the University of Teacher Education Styria and the University of Art and Design Graz have developed an extensive exhibition project with a team of experts.

Thanks to the financial support of the Province of Styria and the City of Graz, the 20 posters in the exhibition can be made available free of charge to a total of 90 schools, municipalities and companies.

Our school is hosting this exhibition and we are very proud of it!

The exhibition is not only intended to raise awareness but is also used to accompany activities in connection with climate protection and climate change adaptation measures.

You can get an idea here or experience the exhibition live at the parents’ day!

1 Comment

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Markus Bauerreply
December 5, 2024 at 10:41

We currently have the poster exhibition at SSI-Schäfer in Friesach. The topics are brought to the point in a clear and simple way, so that everybody should be able to understand the challenges and consequences. Are these posters also available online or as a download? I would like to share the exhibition with other people to boost their understanding on climate change.

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