European Day of Languages – Grazer Sprachenfest
In our workshop GIBS students invited primary school kids to participate in actionsongs . „Move an freeze“, Bear hunts, „The Jellyfish song“ and „Go bananas“ and many more rhythms and fun songs.
Many school classes came and sang with Elli Bauer, Cornelia Rom, Zoe Flor, Karoline Gürtl, Elena Korp, Sarah Schreiber and Alessandra Gandini from year 8 .
The GIBS Junior Choir plus Strings were thrilled to participate in the European Day of Languages festivities that took place in the GrazMuseum. The choir performed a medley of songs from the musical Matilda which featured several soloists and 15 string players. The second part of the program consisted of 14 different songs from 14 different countries sung in 11 different languages, featuring mother tongue GIBS students and teachers as soloists. It was a fun afternoon of great music and a lovely celebration of the language and culture variety which make up the GIBS school body.
Elisa Wasserfaller, Flavia Cavaliere and Jakob Hinkel presented proudly their videoclip „Rendez-Vous“, the winner of the ARTE- Karambolage competition and talked about their fantastic experience in Strasbourg.
Vi ses ! Bis bald ! See you ! Naeme !Nähdään ! A bientot !Feicfidh me thu! Ci vediamo ! Iki ! Narak !
Brigitte Greimel-Wasner