GIBS Litter Clean-Up

Several lower school classes and a group of 7i students took part in the Styrian spring clean-up activities that are organized by the city of Graz. They collected garbage in the districts of Eggenberg, Jakomini, and one group even went up to Plabutsch. They were highly motivated; even the rainy weather couldn’t deter them. All the students were equipped with gloves and garbage bags, and they collected an incredible amount of garbage. Here is what they said:

“The end result of our garbage collection was unbelievable.”

“Ich fand es voll lustig mit den Müllsäcken herumzugehen und den Müll aufzusammeln.“

“I think it was really good that we collected garbage because some other kids saw us and maybe they learned a lesson.”

“I liked the clean-up because we did something good, and it was also fun.”

“I thought it was nice because almost nobody is cleaning the Earth.”

“I was sad that we found that much, but we did something good!”

“Es ist arg, wie viel Müll es gibt – und ich finde es toll, dass wir diesen Müll gesammelt haben.“

“It was really fun to help out the environment, and a good exercise for bonding.”

“We have to protect our Earth, otherwise some animal species will die out.”

“It was fun. I really enjoyed being outdoors. I’d like to do it again!”

“I really loved the idea of collecting trash because it really helps the world.”

Thank you for your commitment and for the fun we had while freeing nature from all that garbage.

You did such a great job! 😊

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