School Announcements

Official announcements by the school, board of education and the ministry of education will be published here.

Verordnung - Französisch als Unterrichtssprache

Ferienkalender/Overview of School Holidays

School Year 2024/25

Samstag 26. Oktober 2024 Österreichischer Nationalfeiertag /public holiday
Montag 28. Oktober bis Sonntag 3. November 2024 Herbstferien/fall break
Sonntag 8. Dezember 2024 Mariä Empfängnis/public holiday
Montag, 23. Dezember 2024 Schulfrei/no school

(vom BMBWF zentral vorgegeben)

Dienstag, 24. Dezember 2024 bis Montag, 6. Jänner 2025 Weihnachtsferien/Christmas break
Montag 17. Februar bis Sonntag, 23. Februar 2025 Semesterferien/semester break (Steiermark)
Mittwoch 19. März 2025 Schulfrei – Landespatron Stmk/public holiday
Samstag 12. April bis Montag 21. April 2025 Osterferien/Easter break
Donnerstag 1. Mai 2025 Staatsfeiertag 1. Mai/public holiday
Donnerstag 29. Mai 2025 Christi Himmelfahrt/public holiday
Freitag 30. Mai 2025 Schulfrei/no school (Verordnung BD Stmk)
Dienstag 10. Juni 2025 Schulfrei/no school (schulautonom SGA)
Donnerstag 19. Juni 2025 Fronleichnam/public holiday
Freitag 20. Juni 2025 Schulfrei/no school (Verordnung BD Stmk)
Samstag 5. Juli bis Sonntag 7. September 2025 Sommerferien
Montag 8. September 2025 Schulbeginn Schuljahr 2025/26

Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr, für Fehler und Irrtümer übernimmt die Schule keine Haftung

Parents Association

The Parents Association of BG GIBS has given itself the task of presenting itself as the contact partner for the various groups within the school. For this reason, special interest groups have been formed in which experienced parents can offer or pass on information. Every parent is sincerely invited to join one of these groups which seek to provide the most efficient contribution to our children’s education in the broadest way possible. The main focus is placed upon deepening the communication between students, teachers and parents. Only an earnest and reciprocal cooperation between home and school can reach the goal of an open and constructive school environment in which good work can be produced. An increased cooperation between parents and school forms a broad foundation of information that can recognize problems before they become difficult to resolve. The parent representatives will always have an open ear for problems. In general, the parents’ association encourages the individual parties involved in notable conflicts to resolve their problem directly. A conversational meeting can be arranged without any problem, as well as delivering to the correct address a message that effects many individuals. In clearly recognizable individual problems, the parents’ association does not wish to stand in between the parties concerned.

Financial Student Support

The GIBS Parent Association provides assistance to families so that every student can participate in school
events (e.g., ski trips, sports weeks, language trips) or make school-related expenses. The level of support
depends on the cost of the school event and the family’s net income. Please fill out the application form
completely and submit it along with the required documents. All information you provide will be treated
confidentially and used solely for decision-making purposes (in accordance with GDPR).


Parents Association Board Members

Elisabetta Cavanna

Vice Spokesperson

Shardul Bhalerao

Vice Treasurer

Judith Forstner


Synnøva O'Gorman

Vice Secretary

Franz Öller


Parents Representatives 2024/25

1a Regina Szabó
1a (Stv) Martina Blattl
1b Sonja Kresch
1b (Stv) Elisabeth Koller
1c Stefan Thaler
1c (Stv) Mayuna Hasebe-Otto
2a Suljic Admir
2a (Stv) Samec Alice
2b Margherita Fritsch-Breisach
2b (Stv) Vishal Kashyap
2c Kanzler Nora
2c (Stv) Connert Andrea
3a Mag. Ulrike Haring
3a (Stv) Franz Öller
3b Christian Friedrich
3b (Stv) Michaela Pesorda
3c Marina Hatzl
3c (Stv) Manuela Safran
4a Eva Eger
4a (Stv) Mei Yong Yang
4b Nicki Vellick
4b (Stv) Alison Jones
4c Edith Rothbart
4c (Stv) Quentin Cullingford
5a Astrid Wrenger
5a (Stv) Alice Samec
5b Thomas Zach
5b (Stv) Daniela Haag
5c Margit Kothgasser
5c (Stv) Shaila Loibnegger
6a Joe Barry
6a (Stv) Joshua Taptey
6b Elke Zenz
6b (Stv) Adis Osmanović
6i Synnova O´Gorman
6i (Stv) Giovanna Cenni
7a Nicola Dickson
7a (Stv) Judith Forstner
7b Eva-Kainz-Kaufmann
7b (Stv) Beate Sudy
7i Kristel Peters
7i (Stv)  Theres Herrgott
8a Handler Patrick
8a (Stv) Bergegère Elsa
8b Ehler Michael
8b (Stv) Krisper Hudabiunigg Eva
8i Karen Pieber
8i (Stv) Anett Wesseling

Guidelines for Parent Representatives

Forward informations to all the class parents

  • from school
  • from the parents association
  • from the GIBS support association
  • from individuals with spezial requests

Forward informations from the parents

  • to the class teacher
  • to the teachers
  • to the head mistress
  • to the parents association

Conduct surveys within the class: Regarding internal and external questions and requests that concern school issues

  • g., school free days, school events, etc.

Coordinate the preparation, execution and follow-up of events for the school for various occasions, e.g.:

  • Summer party (each year, organized by all classes in co-operation with a teacher team for “Social-Events”
  • Christmas bazaar (year 4)
  • Buffet at the Christmas Party (year 4)
  • General activities for exchange students (years 5, 6 and 7)
  • Buffet at the parent-teacher conference day (year 6 )
  • Jazzbrunch (year 7)
  • Support the students in the organization of the “Maturaball” (year 8)
  • Organize the buffet during the oral exams (year 8)

Establish a close community between the class parents

  • Facilitate the contact between the parents and establish mutual trust – by organizing regular informal meetings like
  • excursions, trips to the theatre, skiing etc.,
  • Take requests, concerns and suggestions of parents seriously
  • Appreciate and honour collaboration and commitment/dedication


GIBS Foundation - Verein zur Förderung der GIBS

Unlike other international schools Graz International Bilingual School (“GIBS”) is a state school that does not charge tuition fees for students. However, as a multilingual and international school striving for academic excellence while offering the Austrian Matura as well as the International Baccalaureate (“IB”) the school incurs expenses which are not always covered by government funds. Examples of these expenses include:

  • Support the school financially to have language assistants as co-teachers
  • Student events
  • Advanced education for teachers
  • Financial support for student trips abroad
  • Specialized learning material for GIBS not covered by public funding guidelines
  • Maintenance of an extensive, multilingual school library

The GIBS Foundation (Verein zur Förderung der GIBS) has the purpose to support the school with additional financial means to cover non-government funded operating costs, equipment and initiatives to help the school to at least maintain its high international standard. The GIBS Foundation finances itself through membership fees paid by student families as well as sponsor support.

Membership fees amount to €400,- per child per school year for the school year 2023 / 24. This will be increased to €450,- for the school year 2024/25 to counter inflation following years of stable membership fees. Our guidelines provide for a reduction of fees for families in financial need but members are strongly encouraged to seek financial help for school trips etc. via the Elternverein first (see section financial support application). Payment will be taken by direct debit in November of every school year. In order to make it as easy as possible from an administrative perspective we ask you to authorise a direct-debit mandate (Einzugsermächtigung) to VF-GIBS. Please complete the form and return it to Alternatively, your child can hand in the form to the school office or a form teacher.

The expenses below refer to the school year 2021/22.

Non-IB expense

In line with the school’s guidelines and the association’s purpose, the largest amount goes towards paying the language assistants who help us make the GIBS such a successful bilingual school in Austria.

The second largest cost item is for events, projects and travel. Cultural events (cinema, theatre, opera), sporting events (self-defense, climbing), excursions (Vienna, Mauthausen, Flavia Solva) and much more are covered here. These costs as well as rental costs for copiers, rooms and the parents’ association fee are usually collected individually in other schools, while we try to make the administration as easy as possible for parents and teachers through the association.

The club always strives to achieve a balanced budget. However, due to the corona pandemic in recent years, events, projects and trips in particular could only be carried out to a limited extent. As a result, the club’s reserves increased significantly during this period. In order not to act contrary to the association’s non-profit tax law requirement and to ensure that all students benefit as equally as possible from these reserves, the board decided to make more equipment purchases than usual for school year 2022/23. The Foundation’s board allocated over €50.000,- to the purchase of

  • Work tables, seating and means of green space design,
  • Plagiarism software and
  • a series of small purchases (books, licenses for online tools, small materials, etc.) for the subjects Spanish, English, IT, biology PE, Music, German and Arts/Craft



Accounts for the International Baccalaureate Program are run separately and are funded by dedicated IB fees paid separately from the membership fees. Annual fees for the IB are spent as follows:

Students in need of financial support for excursions abroad are encouraged to the Parents’ Association (Elternverein) who runs the process. You can find information on the process and documents on the website section of the Parents’ Association

General enquiries:
Enquiries regarding fees/payments:

Mag. Elisabeth Fleischmann

Honorary President

Mag. Imelda Görög

Honorary President

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Bierbaumer

Honorary President

Mag. Heinz Drobesch


Dipl.-Kfm Ralph Herrgott

Vice President

Dr. Johannes Huber, MBA


Peter Zorn


Waltraud Gröblacher MSc MA


Mag. Martin Hussler


Synnova O’Gorman BA Grad.Dip.


Dr. Johanna Piffl-Percevic


Mag. Philipp Stummer


Mag. Wilhelm Offenbeck


Mag. Martina Hochreiter-Petzl
