Schulische Kooperation mit der US-Raumfahrtbehörde NASA

After brainstorming many different approaches, we came up with the idea of the inflatable spacesuit, that would enable astronauts to move more easily and most importantly more safely. The main use of this spacesuit is that it acts as an airbag during the landing of the spacecraft. Once the astronaut decides to step out of the spaceship, they can deflate their spacesuit, which would shield them from potential dangers.  We also proposed an additional feature that would filter astronauts sweat and turn it into oxygen.

Once the concept of our inflatable space suit was fixed, we recorded a video and wrote a text explaining our idea in more detail. We tried getting creative with our video and had a lot of fun filming it. Once we got the notification from Ms. Raposo that our school got selected for a cooperation with NASA, our excitement just rose through the roof!


Our school was one of the 6 schools that were selected in Austria and will allow us to develop a cooperation with NASA for the next 4 years.


Miriam Sommer, Flora Günther, Maria Marchl, Leni Haas and Mia Tomaschitz


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