Time Capsule of 2020

Towards the end of 2020 it became clear that it would be a historic year. For that reason 4b decided to document the year as we would any other historic year. They came up with some really interesting projects from discussing Black Lives Matter & American Politics, to protests in Hong Kong and explosions in Beirut – not to mention the dramatic Coronavirus Crisis. They were incredibly creative; using videos, charts, posters and presentations. They really learned alot about how we document and talk about history and created a really interesting time capsule of 2020. We in the history department were really impressed with the fruits of their efforts!

Marcas O´Cribin

Link: material created by students

Here are the links for the videos that were made in 4b for the history of 2020:

Anna Demus’ short but exciting trailer


Anna Demus’ History of 2020 (20 minutes)


Black Lives Matter:



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